100 Years the University of Malaya (soft cover)

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100 Years the University of Malaya - soft cover

Author: Khoo Kay Kim

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9831003233


Year: 2005

Page: 175 pp

Price : RM25

This book exposes the current whirlwind thinking on various corporationoriented values that pervade the field of educational management and policy. It also deals with governance, management, and leadership in educational organizations and some specific policy issues which need a serious contemplation for further actions, particulary by the education authorities and agencies in Malaysia. In general the contents are applicable to the education system of other countries, thus may become useful reference points for initiating new innovations in education. This book is dedicated and directed to all students in the field of education and to all those involved in the management and policy processes in education systems of countries in the world.

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