A Commentary On The Hujjat Al-Siddiq + Prologue (Set)

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A Commentary on the Hujjat al-Siddiq of Nur al-Din al-Raniri + Prologue to al-Attas' Commentary on the Hujjat al-Siddiq - Hardcover (A set of two books)

Authors: Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas (Author 'A Commentary'), Muhammad Zainiy Uthman (author to 'Prologue')
Publisher:  Perbadanan Muzium Negeri Pahang
Weight: 1.4 kg
Pages: 118,593
Year: 2024
Price: RM1400

"This work is the first commentary of this nature that has ever been written in the Malay world. It is also the first major work on al-Raniri (d. 1658) unlike anything that has appeared before, and an original study in depth and evaluation of his influence in the religious and intellectual tradition of Islam in the Malay world.

The author demonstrates in his commentary that the unity of ideas in the world of Islam pertaining to the intellectual interpretation of the nature of reality as formulated by Islamic metaphysics is not confined only to particular parts of that world, but to the whole of it. A comprehensive metaphysical system formulated to explain the nature of God, the universe, and man, was known also in the Malay world.

Professor al-Attas clarifies the distinction between the positions of the theologians, the philosophers, the Sufis, and the pseudo-Sufis on fundamental metaphysical issues; and demonstrates intellectual Sufism or Islamic metaphysics, which has long been subjected to much controversy and misunderstanding, is neither pantheistic, nor monistic, nor dualistic in its conception of the nature of the ultimate Reality.

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