A History of Southeast Asia

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A History of Southeast Asia

Author: Arthur Cotterell
Publisher:  Marshall Cavendish International 
ISBN: 9789814361026
Pages: 452pp
Year: 2014

A History of Southeast Asia narrates the history of the region from earliest recorded times until today, covering present-day Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia and East Timor. Concisely written and filled with historical anecdotes of key individuals and events, this authoritative volume is presented in three parts, covering both mainland and maritime Southeast Asia:

Part 1 – Early Southeast Asia (the earliest civilisations)

Part 2 – Late Southeast Asia (including the colonial period)

Part 3 – Modern Southeast Asia (the present-day era, following the Pacific dimension of the Second World)

Superbly supported by over 200 illustrations, photographs and maps, this volume provides real insight into one of the world’s most distinctive but complicated regions, at a time when Asian countries are beginning to set the pace in the global economy.

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