A History of the Middle East

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A History of the Middle East

Author: Peter Mansfield

Publisher: Penguin

ISBN : 9780141988467

Weight: 0.415 kg

Year: 2019

Page: 608pp

Price : RM107

The definitive history of the Middle East, now updated in its fifth edition

'The best overall survey of the politics, regional rivalries and economics of the contemporary Arab world' Washington Post

Over the centuries the Middle East has confounded the dreams of conquerors and peacemakers alike. This now-classic book follows the historic struggles of the region over the last two hundred years, from Napoleon's assault on Egypt, through the slow decline and fall of the Ottoman Empire, to the painful emergence of modern nations. It is now fully updated with extensive new material examining recent developments including the aftermaths of the 'Arab Spring', the continuing Arab-Israeli conflict and the Syrian and Yemeni civil wars.

'An excellent political overview' Guardian

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