A Little History of Psychology

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A Little History of Psychology - Hardback

Author: Nicky Hayes
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300269949
Weight: 0.561kg
Pages: 280 pp
Year: 2024
Price: RM124.00

'An engaging, comprehensive and consummately readable history of the field of psychology as a science ... I recommend the book enthusiastically to anyone who seeks an appealing and delightful introduction to the field.

Robert Sternberg, Professor of Psychology, Cornell University

"This enchanting and insightful little history is a must-read for anyone with an interest in psychology. Hayes is a sure-footed, humane and knowledgeable guide, covering numerous key psychological concepts on the way.

Anna Katharina Schaffner, author of The Art of Self-Improvement

'In lively prose, Nicky Hayes presents the principal ideas, findings, controversies and personalities in the field of psychology.

Howard Gardner, author of Five Minds for the Future

'Nicky Hayes guides readers through the fascinating history of psychology in this engaging account of the dynamic tug-of-war between science and culture that has historically animated the discipline of psychology.

Erika Dyck, author of Psychedelic Psychiatry

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