​A Political Philosophy: Arguments for Conservatism

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A Political Philosophy: Arguments for Conservatism

Author: Roger Scruton

Publisher: Bloomsbury

ISBN: 9781441189905


Pages: 256

Year: 2007

Price : RM90

Over the past twenty years, Roger Scruton has been developing a conservative view of human beings, society and culture. The tone of this book is positive and the arguments are recommendations with the aim of convincing the reader that rumours of the death of Western civilisation are greatly exaggerated. Much of our present self doubt, argues Scruton, is brought about by the Darwinian theory of evolution. Darwin encourages us to see human emotion as a reproductive strategy. This is a perspective which Scruton attacks vehemently especially in its modern proponents- Desmond Morris and Richard Dawkins. This the author believes undermines the belief in freedom and the moral imperatives that stem from it.

Table of contents


Conserving Nations

Conserving Nature

Eating our Friends

Dying Quietly

Meaningful Marriage

Extinguishing the Light

Religion and Enlightenment

The Totalitarian Temptation

Newspeak and Eurospeak

The Nature of Evil

Eliot and Conservatism


Name Index

Subject Index

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