A Socially Engaged Global Muslim Dr Jamal Al-Barzinji

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A Socially Engaged Global Muslim Dr Jamal Al-Barzinji

Author: Imtiyaz Yusuf
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust
ISBN: 9781955653053
Weight:  0.75kg
Pages:  224pp
Year: 2024
Price: RM45

Dr. Jamal al-Barzinji (Rahimahullah—‘May Allah have mercy on him’) a socially engaged global Muslim passed away on 26 September 2015. He lived a life enlivened by a full commitment to the Islamic faith with a spirit of social engagement. Dr. Jamal al-Barzinji’s life illustrates an example of an American Muslim rooted in the principles of Tawhid (the unicity of Allah and embodied in the praxis of the Islamic virtues of Rahma—compassion and mercy, Ihsan—benevolence, ‘Adl—justice, and Hikma—wisdom. The fruit of his Islamic social engagement is exemplified through his intra-religious and interreligious engagements with people from different walks of life he met and who came to know him during his lifetime.

This felicitation volume in the honor of Dr. Jamal al-Barzinji is a compilation of articles to memorialize and keep alive his legacy as an exemplary model of a socially engaged global Muslim. It contains contributions by people from different fields such as business management, institutional organizations and academia who were closely associated with Dr. Jamal al-Barzinji and whose lives were impacted by his personality as an exemplary personality of Islamic social engagement through the values and ethics of religious humanism, moderation, tolerance and constructing peaceful interfaith relations in the United States and around the world.

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