A World After Liberalism: Five Thinkers Who Inspired the Radical Right

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A World After Liberalism: Five Thinkers Who Inspired the Radical Right

Author:  Matthew Rose
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300268133
Weight: 0.3 kg
Pages: 208
Year: 2021
Price: RM108

A bracing account of liberalism’s most radical critics introducing one of the most controversial movements of the twentieth century.
“Powerful. . . . Bracing. . . . Part of the book’s eerie relevance comes from the role Russia plays throughout.”—Ezra Klein, New York Times
“One of the best books I’ve read this year. . . . Its importance at this critical moment in our history cannot be overstated.”—Rod Dreher, American Conservative
In this eye-opening book, Matthew Rose introduces us to one of the most controversial intellectual movements of the twentieth century, the “radical right,” and discusses its adherents’ different attempts to imagine political societies after the death or decline of liberalism. 

 Rose shows how such thinkers are animated by religious aspirations and anxieties that are ultimately in tension with Christian teachings and the secular values those teachings birthed in modernity.

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