Agricultural Zakat In Malaysia: A Way Forward Towards Madani Nation

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Agricultural Zakat In Malaysia: A Way Forward Towards Madani Nation

Author: Muhamad Firdaus Ab Rahman, Hussein `Azeemi Abdullah Thaidi, Siti Farahiyah Ab Rahim
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9786297636924
Page: 110 m/s
Year: 2024
Price: RM42

In Malaysia, agricultural zakat is currently only imposed on paddy crops, based on the opinion of Imam Shafi'i. However, there is a need to expand this to include more profitable sectors like palm oil, rubber, and coconuts, which play a significant role in the economy. 

This idea aligns with Malaysia’s shift from an agriculture-based to an industry-based economy, as the government has launched initiatives to grow the agricultural sector. Modern technology and better farming inputs are needed for this growth, but they also raise the costs of paddy farming.

There are disagreements among Islamic scholars on agricultural zakat, such as variations in how it is assessed, the minimum wealth required (nisab), and the zakat rates (5%, 7.5%, or 10%) set by each state. Other concerns include exemptions for farmers’ operational costs before zakat is due.

These issues are tied to maqasid shari’ah, which focuses on people’s welfare, ensuring that zakat laws are flexible and serve the public good.

The book discusses these issues in the context of Malaysia's core values, such as sustainability, prosperity, and care. It aims to offer practical suggestions for improving agricultural zakat, distinct from other literature. The book encourages the State Fatwa Council to revisit its rulings and suggests that better implementation of zakat laws could enhance the country's agricultural sector. This approach would benefit zakat authorities, payers, researchers, and the Muslim community.

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