​Al-Kashshāf: Al-Zamakhsharī’s Muʻtazilite Exegesis of the Qur’ān

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Al-Kashshāf: Al-Zamakhsharī’s Muʻtazilite Exegesis of the Qur’ān

Authors: Kifayat Ullah
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust (IBT)
ISBN:  9789672795186
Weight: kg
Year: 2024
Price: RM89

The book analyzes extensively al-Zamakhsharī’s tafsīr al-Kashshāf within the framework of the Mu‘tazilites’ five principles: (usūl al-khamsa) of their theology. Andrew Lane in his book entitled
“A Traditional Mu‘tazilite Qur’ān Commentary: The Kashshāf of Jār Allāh al-Zamakhsharī” states that al-Kashshāf is not a Mu‘tazilite tafsīr of the Qur’ān.

The book is divided into two parts. Part I comprises of al-Zamakhsharī’s biography, al-Kashshāf, and his methodology of tafsīr. Part II covers comprehensive analysis of the five principles: unity of God; justice; the promise and the threat of divine reward and punishment; the intermediate position between belief and unbelief; and enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong.

The book concludes that al-Zamakhsharī’s al-Kashshāf is a Mu‘tazilite tafsīr completely adhering to the Mu‘tazilites’ theology.

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