Al-Mal: Exploring The Economic Impacts

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Al-Mal: Exploring The Economic Impacts

Editor: Abdul Ghafar Ismail, Raudha Md. Ramli & Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Shafiai
Publisher: UKM Press
ISBN: 9789672518204
Weight: 0.430 kg
Pages: 293pp
Year: 2022
Price: RM45

The ultimate goal of al-Mal is the well-being of humans. It should be beneficial to the individual, his family, and society as a whole. Abu 'Ubayd was a pioneer in highlighting al-Mal of a nation and demonstrating how fiscal policy and resource allocation function in Islam. After many decades, the book of al-Mal needs to be revisited in the context of a nation. This book is particularly timely in terms of proposing a new perspective and discussing the economic impacts of al-Mal. Therefore, the purpose of this book is to provide basic knowledge. about al-Mal, the institutions associated with al-Mal, and the impact of al-Mal on various aspects such as socio-economic roles, public policy instruments, financial planning, estate and wealth management, and consumer choice in dealing with the economic crisis.

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