​Al-Wafi: A Thorough Commentary on the Forty Nawawiyyah

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Al-Wafi: A Thorough Commentary on the Forty Nawawiyyah

Author: Shaykh Muhyi ad-Din Mistu & Shaykh Mustafa Dib Al-Bugha
Translator: Mahdi Lock
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust & Nawa Books
ISBN: 9789670526997
Weight: 0.95kg
Pages: 427pp
Year: 2022
Price: RM79

AL-WĀFĪ is a well-known Arabic book on the commentary of forty hadīths compiled by the great jurist and hadīth scholar Imam Abū Zakariyyā Yahyā ibn Sharaf al-Nawawī, commonly known as al-Nawawī or Imam Nawawī (d. 676 ).

The book is widely used in schools and religious classes. It has been translated into several languages and this is the first published English version.

It is authored by two of Damascus’ internationally well-known and respected scholars, Shaykh Mustafā Dīb Al-Bughā and Shaykh Muhyī Ad-Dīn  Dīb Mistū. Both are esteemed professors in the field of Islamic knowledge and authors of several critically acclaimed books.

This book is ideal for those who wish to read for personal edification as well as those who would like to conduct classes. Every hadīth is followed by a detailed explanation of its importance, its vocabulary, followed by its fiqh rulings, along with other insights that can be gleaned from it.

It is hoped that as the reader reads through the text, his understanding and appreciation of the Prophet’s words will deepen, and he will also come to see the immense wisdom in Imam an-Nawawī’s choices. If Allah so wills, the reader will emerge with a broader and more thorough understanding of Islam itself.

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