An Insightful Journey Into Emirates Airline Sukuk

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An Insightful Journey Into Emirates Airline Sukuk

Author: Mohd Daud Bakar

ISBN : 9789671481806

Publisher : Amanie Media Sdn Bhd

Pages : 223 pp

Price : RM50

Yes, this is a book about sukuk. But it is not only about understanding sukuk in an easy and contextual way. More importantly, in this book, I have proposed that Emirates Airlines is most likely the best role model for the Islamic finance industry to thrive in the 21st century.

The Islamic finance industry has all the critical success factors that Emirates Airlines may not have, yet Emirates Airline could be the perfect role model for the Islamic finance industry on many fronts, including branding and visibility, strategic thinking and leadership, quality of services, real economic impact, and humanisation of product offerings and services.

Exponential growth can be ours if we embrace the mindset and work style of Emirates Airline in being relevant, innovative and inspiring.

Great organisations are not born great, but they decide to be great!

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