Arabs and Israelis Conflict and Peacemaking in The Middle East

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Arabs and Israelis Conflict and Peacemaking in The Middle East

Authors: Abdel Monem Said Aly
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic
ISBN: 9781350321380
Weight: 1.1 kg
Pages: 504
Year: 2022
Price: 290

Lasting over 120 years, the Arab-Israeli conflict involves divergent narratives about history, national identities, land ownership, injustices and victimhood. Domestic forces and actors as well as international and regional dynamics have ensured the conflict's durability.

A distinguished team of authors comprising an Israeli, a Palestinian and an Egyptian present a broader Arab perspective in this innovative textbook that offers a balanced and nuanced introduction to a highly contentious subject. Providing an overview of key developments in the history of the conflict, it explores attempts at resolution, before going on to portray the perspectives of the important parties. It places the events of the conflict within a regional and international context, providing an invaluable insight into the opposing narratives behind the conflict.

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