Behind the Stories

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Behind the Stories

Author: Lilian Tan
Publisher: The Edge Media Group
ISBN: 9789672642275
Weight: gsm
Pages: pp
Year: 2024
Price: RM80

The book not only explains The Edge's exposes on 1MDB but also reveals new information on what took place that prompted the US DOJ to act. Besides 1MDB the book also chronicles other major corporate and political events its journalists reported in the past 30 years.

By publishing this book, we want to show that while there is social media information overload today, there is still a place — in fact, a hunger for — credible and trusted news. And we want to inspire young Malaysians to pursue journalism as a public service. That said, we must be honest and say that while good journalism is a prerequisite for commercial success, good journalism by itself cannot guarantee commercial success. To use an analogy: While a football team needs goal scorers to win, it cannot succeed without a good goalkeeper and strong defence working together as a team with the forwards. And, it also needs loyal fans. This book is, therefore, a tribute to everyone who has made The Edge a success — the founders/pioneers who dared to pursue their dream 30 years ago; past and present staff from all departments who helped turn the dream into reality; and our fans and friends — advertisers, contributors, distributors and printers — who have supported us through our ups and downs. And through this book, we want to share with you the behind-the-scene moments of elation and heartbreak, as we went about doing our best to fulfill our editorial commitment to serve the public interest. We may have faltered at times, but we hope that we have been true to our commitment most of the time.

Thank you for being part of our journey.

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