Biosensors and Chemical Sensors A Practical Approach

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Biosensors and Chemical Sensors A Practical Approach

Author: Nazifah Ariffin, Siti Fatimah Abd Rahman, Umi Zulaikha Mohd Azmi, Nor Azah Yusof
Publisher: UPM Press
ISBN: 9789672395584
Page: 176 m/s
Year: 2020
Price: RM51

Biosensors and chemical sensors are essential to unlimited range of applications, including healthcare: detection of biological, chemical, and toxic agents: environmental monitoring; agriculture and food analysis. This book, addresses the fundamental in development of biosensor and chemical sensor which includes immobilization of bio or chemical markers, labelling strategies and modification of transducers (electrochemical and optical).

This book also includes detail fabrication and characterisation of immunosensor, DNA based biosensor. Food related sensors are also reviewed at the end of this book. Topics are covered in a comprehensive fashion, with easy to follow presentation style for the benefit of the readers. This book can serve as a comprehensive resource for biosensor and chemical sensor for beginners.

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