Bridging Cultures: Reflection Of UKM Fulbright Scholars' Experiences
Author: Khairul Anwar@Johari Mastor & Kartini Aboo Talib@Khalid
Publisher: UKM Press
ISBN: 9789672518150
Weight: 0.231 kg
Pages: 145pp
Year: 2022
Price: RM30
The journey of knowledge discovery reveals beyond the classroom-experience. The Fulbrighters' experiences are an anthology of memory and practicality to be shared as rich references for all enthusiasts. The book describes each scholar's experience Q in the US, ranging from diverse disciplines, different duration, and colorful challenges. Each scholar depicts the up and down journey while in the U.S., from West to East, the Fulbright scholars from Malaysia participating in the various discourse, and displaying their field of expertise in light and straightforward narrative. Their life stories articulate themselves that could be expanding to the fancy Hollywood. Also, the book provides guidance and advice for those interested in pursuing studies or research in the United States. This versatile book can be handy to any enthusiasts to prepare themselves before applying for the Fulbright scholarship.
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