Building a Capable State Service Delivery in Post-Apartheid South Africa

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Building a Capable State Service Delivery in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Authors: Ian Palmer
Publisher: Zed Books
ISBN: 9781783609642
Weight: 0.3 kg
Pages: 320
Year: 2017
Price: 178

The sustainable development goals signed in 2016 marked a new phase in global development thinking, one which is focused on ecologically and fiscally sustainable human settlements. Few countries offer a better testing ground for their attainment than post-apartheid South Africa. Since the coming to power of the African National Congress, the country has undergone a policy making revolution, driven by an urgent need to improve access to services for the country’s black majority.

A quarter century on from the fall of apartheid, Building a Capable State asks what lessons can be learned from the South African experience. The book assesses whether the South African government has succeeded in improving service delivery, focusing on the vital sectors of water and sanitation,...

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