Business And Human Right In Malaysia Towards Responsible And Ethical Business Development

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Business And Human Right In Malaysia Towards Responsible And Ethical Business Development

Author: Nisar Mohammad Ahmad, Haniff Ahamat, Halyani Hassan

Publisher : USIM Press
ISBN: 9789670001449
Page: 278 pp.
Year: 2022
Price: RM60

It is essential to note that the debate on corporate accountability and social responsibility is now at the fore of business discussions as the results of significantly publicised corporate human rights abuses.

The aim of this book is to provide business operators, policymakers, human rights activists, academics and students with insights on underlying issues relating to business and human rights in Malaysia.

This includes issues of corporate human rights violations and proposed mechanisms to address human rights infringements by business entities.

The authors believe in the importance of ensuring that business entities move beyond merely profit-making entities to being a responsible organ of society that respects human rights of stakeholders within its sphere of influence.

Humanising business through corporate contribution to social responsibility is key to achieving sustainable development and realising the national vision of shared prosperity.

This book proposes the use of soft law as a mechanism to help business entities enhance their awareness, understanding and compliance with human rights principles within their business operations.

This book believes that the incorporation of human rights standards through a strategic system may help business entities transform their business operations into a more sustainable and socially responsible manner.

It is the authors’ hope that this humble book will add some value to the existing literature thereby enhancing people’s understanding of the issues highlighted.

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