Case On People Readiness For Information Systems In The Construction Sector

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Case On People Readiness For Information Systems In The Construction Sector

Author/Editor: Hafez Salleh • Nurmadhiyah Aziz

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789674880293

Weight: 200

Pages: 112

Year: 2018

Price: RM38

The emergence of information systems (IS) has changed traditional work processes in many industries, including the construction industry. The perceived benefits of IS reported by researchers have motivated many construction organisations to adopt IS in their work processes.

However, many reports indicate that IS investments failed to meet the anticipated objectives, exceeded budget and were completed behind schedule. Findings from the literature show that the poor rate of success in implementing IS in the construction industry is due to the failure to address people issues within the organisation. People issues are clearly significant, yet neglected, and need to be considered for successful IS implementation. Thus, to measure people readiness or capabilities of an organisation prior to implementation of IS is extremely important to ensure its successful application.

Five real cases in construction organisations presented in this book will help

managers identify the improvements needed to successfully implement IT/IS.

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