Cell Dysfunction Assessment for Early Detection of Heart Diseases

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Cell Dysfunction Assessment for Early Detection of Heart Diseases

Author: Rosmiza Jaafar, Edmond Zahedi & Mohd Alauddin Mohd Ali
Publisher: UKM Press
ISBN: 9786297547749
Weight: 0.4
Pages: 205pp
Year: 2023
Price: RM35

Heart disease begins long before its symptoms become visible. The symptoms are hidden in the endothelial cell function (EF) of the blood vessels. These endothelial cells are the thin single-layer cells outlining the inner part of blood vessels. Good EF indicates a healthy heart, whereas impairment of cell dysfunctions is the visible marker for heart disease. Detection of the marker at the early disease progression improves heart disease management allowing necessary preventive actions to be taken accordingly. The main objective of this book is to knowledge sharing and to explain in detail the techniques of EF assessment for early heart disease detection. 

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