Charge-Coupled Device : Optical Tomography System For Air Bubbles Detection
Author: Juliza Jamaludin
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 97896744071686
Page: 97 m/s
Year: 2020
Price: RM48
This book, Charge-Coupled Device: Optical Tomography System for Air Bubbles Detection discusses the constructions and applications of Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) and laser diode optical tomography system. Tomography is a non-intrusive and non-invasive system to monitor and capture a cross-sectional image of multiphase flow. There are many types of tomography system in today’s industries.
Optical tomography is one of the best non-hazardous radiation tomography methods which gives a high image resolution and accurate data. It is because the investigation is done by using light sources. Researchers and industrial practitioners of multiphase flow system who apply these types of optoelectronics device may get useful information and acts as a guideline to them. This book will be a huge contribution to the multiphase flow industries and research in the field of tomography.
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