Classical Civilization: Greeks & Romans in 10 Chapters

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Classical Civilization: Greeks & Romans in 10 Chapters

Authors: Julian Baggini
Publisher: Head of Zeus Ltd
ISBN: 9781781855027
Weight: 0.4kg
Pages: 352pp
Year: 2015
Price: RM61

A concise and accessible study of the foundations, development and enduring legacy of the cultures of Greece and Rome, centred on ten locations of seminal importance in the development of Classical civilisation. Starting with Troy, where history, myth and cosmology fuse to form the origins of Classical civilisation, Nigel Spivey explores the contrasting politics of Athens and Sparta, the diffusion of classical ideals across the Mediterranean world, Classical science and philosophy, the eastward export of Greek culture with the conquests of Alexander the Great, the power and spread of the Roman imperium, and the long Byzantine twilight of Antiquity. 

A secure grasp of the nature of our Greek and Roman heritage is absolutely fundamental to a true understanding of contemporary European society and culture. Nigel Spivey outlines and explains that heritage with supreme passion, rigour and clarity

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