Combo Tommy Thomas

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Anything but the Law ( Essays on Politics and Economics )

Author: Thommy Thomas

Publisher: SIRD

ISBN: 9789670960074

Pages: 340pp

Year: 2016


Price : RM 50.00

“With legal acumen and moral vision, Tommy Thomas presents a compelling narrative for a version of statehood that is inclusive and accountable …

Thomas offers a riveting chronicle and judicious analysis of two contentious political issues – the bifurcation of Islamic state vs secularism and the social contract …

The author laments that his foray into economics is with much trepidation; but he seems to be an advertent economist in his essays on unbridled US market capitalism and financial crisis. This might turn him into a ‘public enemy’ of the ‘robber barons’ …

The book is the erudition of a public intellectual, who passionately argues for a just and equitable society.”
Anwar Ibrahim
Former Deputy Prime Minister & Former Leader of the Opposition

“It is an intellectual joy to read in print, Tommy Thomas’s distinctive and irrepressible wit as he takes on a myriad of issues that have affected our beloved country … Readers would be awakened to the horrific realization that what Malaysia is today has, in more ways than one, sharply deviated from the visions of our founding fathers. Hopefully this will wake them up to rescue our country from spiralling downwards to despair.”
Lim Guan Eng
Chief Minister of Penang

“A fine collection of essays on political and constitutional affairs by one of the sharpest legal minds in Malaysia. A must read for anyone who wants to have a better understanding of the issues facing us as a nation and people.”
Ho Kay Tat

Malaysian Insider & Edge


Abuse of Power (Selected Works on the Law and Constitution)

Author: Tommy Thomas

Publisher: SIRD

ISBN: 9789670960081

Pages: 298pp

Year: 2016


Price : RM 50.00

“Amongst the select group of constitutional law advocates in Malaysia, Tommy Thomas ranks among the best – fearless, dedicated, committed and vocal in his decades-old pursuit to entrench respect for fundamental rights and liberties for the ordinary Malaysian. He brings to his writings the same passionate advocacy as a constitutionalist as he has done in the numerous cases argued by him in our courts of law - without fear or favour, and with a conviction borne out by a deep-seated belief in the sanctity of the Constitution, despite numerous setbacks over the many years of litigating in court over constitutional issues ...

This timely collection of essays should be read by lawyers and non-lawyers alike for its valuable insights into important constitutional issues, and for the thinking jurist, it will serve as a beacon of conscience into what is right, correct and proper under the Constitution. …

It will be a disservice to the advancement of constitutional law in Malaysia to dismiss the views of a constitutional thinker like Thomas without deliberate and conscious reflection – be it in court or elsewhere.”
Dato’ Mohamad Ariff Yusof
Retired Judge of the Court of Appeal

“In endorsing this book, I feel greatly privileged because I have known the author for many years. When I was on the bench, he used to appear before me as a young lawyer and I found him to be very good and alert on his feet. Equally, this book shows that he is even better in his writing ...
When I was under siege during the 1988 Judicial Crisis episode, Tommy Thomas, was one of the lawyers in a team headed by the late Raja Aziz bin Addruse trying to save the judiciary.”
Tun Salleh Abas

Former Lord President

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