​Contemporary Islamic Political Thought: A Study of Eleven Islamic Thinkers

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Contemporary Islamic Political Thought: A Study of Eleven Islamic Thinkers

Editor: Zeenath Kausar

Publisher: IIUM Press

ISBN: 983-2957-24-9

Pages: 378 pp

Year: 2009

Weight: 0.6kg

Price: RM55.00

Chapter One

Political Thought of Iqbal and Contemporary Islamic Resurgence-Muhammad Mumtaz Ali

Chapter Two

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: An Overview of His Life and Position Towards Globalization-Hassan Ahmed Ibrahim

Chapter Three

Towards an Integrated Islamic Political Theory: A Systematic Analysis of Ibn Ashur's Political Thought-Mohamed El-Tahir El-Mesawi

Chapter Four

Mawdudi's Philosophy of an Islamic State, Government and Citizenship: An Exploration and a Critical Appreciation-Zeenath Kauthar

Chapter Five

Malik Bennabi's Political Thought: Towards a Civilizational Analysis-Abdelaziz Berghout

Chapter Six

Hassan Al-Banna's Life, Mission, Political Thought and Reforms-Thameem Ushama

Chapter Seven

Sayyid Qutb: Life, Mission and Political Thought-Thameem Ushama

Chapter Eight

Muhammad Natsir: Political Thought and Islamic Revivalism-Tunku Mohar Tunku Mohamad Mokhtar

Chapter Nine

Burhanuddin Al-Helmy: Political Activities and Ideas-Muhamad Fuzi Omar

Chapter Ten

Reformulation of Islamic Fiqh, islamic State and Islamic Revivalism: Views of Hasan al-Turabi-Garoot Sulaiman Eissa

Chapter Eleven

Rashid al-Ghannoushi: Portrait of a contemporary Islamic Thinker and Activist-El-Fatih A. Abdelsalam

Finally, in the fourth chapter, the main reasons which caused and sustained the continuous existence of Sufism and Sufi institutions are explored. Four such factors are dwelled on, namely, the Turkish factor, the Persian factor, the Shi’ah factor, and the ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama’ah factor.

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