​ Cyberjaya Here We Come: A Case Of Leadership

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Cyberjaya Here We Come: A Case Of Leadership

Author: Gayah Gulam Haidar
Publisher: UPM Press
Weight: 0.2
Pages: 52pp
Year: 2017
Price: RM42

Normally, the success stories of an organization or a country are told either by retired or incumbent leaders. Rarely do we read about this kind of story from the people on the ground, the unsung heroes. This book is one of the few gems; raw, unapologetic, and burst with the higher overriding motivation to serve the mother country, Malaysia, regardless of the material rewards or recognitions. Dr Gayah epitomizes the never-say-never attitude until the end and beyond. It is a must-read for future leaders so that they may understand the true meaning of leadership by example.

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