Daughters of Eve: Islam and Female Emancipation

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Daughters of Eve: Islam and Female Emancipation

Author: M. Jamal Haider

Publisher: Islamic Book Trust

ISBN : 9789670957388

Weight: 0.5kg

Year: 2020

Page: 254pp

Price : RM45

It is amazing, the true story of female emancipation. Unknown to most people, about 1400 years ago, the first enduring stand for female rights was taken in Madinah.

A historical unveiling with poetical inspiration, this book artfully narrates a brief comparative analysis about the status of women through the three ages of the world:

■ Women in the ancient age (pre 7th century CE)

■ Women in the Islamic age (7th-18th century CE approximately)

■ Women in the modern age.

This book succinctly establishes how female conditions changed from ancient past to the modern times—it narrates what were the issues women have faced in the past, and what they are still facing in modernity. It discusses topics like why the Prophet married a number of times, the contributions of Muslim female scholars, and towards the end of the book, it clarifies some of the common misconceptions about Islamic injunctions regarding women.

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