Days Of Hope: Real Reform for 'New' Malaysia

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Days Of Hope: Real Reform for 'New' Malaysia

Author: Kua Kia Soong

Publisher: SUARAM

ISBN: 9789671426364

Year: 2018

Pages: 198pp

Weight: 0.300kg

Price: RM30

The 14th GENERAL ELECTION (GE14) defeat of the Barisan Nasional Coalition, which had ruled the country since 1971 was unprecedented in Malaysian history. The displacement of what seemed an unshakeable BN led regime, is testimony to the determination of the Malaysian people and the persistence of civil society in their votes for Pakatan Harapan because the coalition had promised in their GE14 manifesto to implement wide ranging reforms that made them seem radically different form BN. Post-GE14 are days of hope indeed...

With the co-optation of many former Bn critics into nee PH government, the independent and critical voice of Kua Kia Soong continues to sound consistently in the so-called 'new' Malaysia. He has closely monitored the performance of the ne PH government and his analyses and commentaries in the days of hope are essential reading for all Malaysians who yearns for real reform.

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