Do Humans Really Have the Freedom of Choice? : A Casual Talk on Religious Philosophy

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Do Humans Really Have the Freedom of Choice? : A Casual Talk on Religious  Philosophy

Author: Makmor Tumin
Publisher: Hikmah Publishing 
ISBN: 978-629-97151-0-8
Weight: 0.3 KG
Pages: 158pp
Year: 2022
Price: RM35

What is the point of having a highly intellectual book on philosophy and religion if the message is clouded by jargons and lingo? Hence, to get the idea across, it has to be simple and plain. The idea is given much clearer if it is based on a person's experience. Through this book, readers will not only be exposed with interesting debates on the freedom of choice, but also understand how the concept of freedom of choice itself is understood from the land of philosophy and religion. Ask these questions to yourself, "Do choose myself to be human, or did I make any effort whatsoever to make myself human? Why should we think that we are entitled to do whatever we want?" This book has the answer to such questions.

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