Dream of Our Ancestors: Descendants of the Great Wall

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Dream of Our Ancestors: Descendants of the Great Wall

Author: Tan Koon San
Publisher: The Other Press Sdn Bhd
ISBN: 9789670957609
Weight: 0.8
Pages: 319pp
Price: RM50

A gallant attempt to narrate history through a multidimensional coverage of contemporary events in 19th and 20th century China and British Malaya. It brings to light the effects on the life of the Chinese migrants and the evolution of their role in the new country.

The elaborate insertion of Confucian ethos draws attention to the deep-rooted attachment of the Chinese to their cultural root and penetrating insight into Chinese customs and culture.

The story is deeply embedded and wrapped into the events of the time. One can easily miss the narrative by the constant diversions to the multi-dimensional events taking place. They are almost a distraction at times. Yet in an astute display of craftsmanship, the interspersing play of characters and events would return to the story and lead the reader on to continue the journey through the 19th and 20th centuries.

The later portion of the book appears to be summarily presented on the role and impact of politics rather than the life of the characters themselves. Yet anyone familiar with the modern historical development of Malaysia could easily identify with what was narrated in those chapters.

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