​Educational Management In Malaysia

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Educational Management In Malaysia

Author/Editor: Muhammad Faizal A. Ghani • Norfariza Mohd Radzi Alina Ranee • Mojgan Afshari

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789831009734

Weight: 200

Pages: 175

Year: 2013

Price: RM42

Government Transformation Programme (GTP) focused on expanding access to affordable and quality education as one of the six National Key Results Areas (NKRA). Basically, quality education focuses on improving student achievement holistically in terms of intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects. Improving student achievement at all levels of education and developing excellent human capital will produce skilled manpower to ensure Malaysia’s aspiration to become a high-income developing country by 2020 is achievable. In addition, the transformation in education is to ensure affordable and quality education can be enjoyed by all parties to enhance the living standards of Malaysians as a whole.

Thereby, this book has explicated issues in education, especially to realize and respond to Government recommendations in improving the quality of education with emphasis on transformation in education. Sub-themes in this book are in accordance with changes in education and take into consideration the three important aspects of management, planning and education policy. The subthemes are: financial management, leadership, education, human resource management, research management, sports management and educational policy.

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