Embracing The Knowledge Culture: Understanding Knowledge, Putting It Into Practice

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Embracing The Knowledge Culture: Understanding Knowledge, Putting It Into Practice

Author: Zaini Ujang

Publisher: Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia

ISBN: 9789830686257


Weight : 300 g

Year: 2019

Price : RM 35

This book does not set out to provide new definitions or dimensions concerning knowledge culture, instead, it gathers views and dimensions related to the concepts, valurs and application of knowledge to enhance the knowledge culture at universities, specifically, this book serves as a guide for undergraduates in the quest to instill and encourage further the practice of knowledge culture in their lives.

Through knowledge culture, knowledge-themed programmes and activities must be based on an understanding of the societal value system at all levels. In a society that supports the cuture of thriving and established knowledge, conduct is based on the study and appreciation of knowledge, which will bring forth harmony, blessings and prosperity.

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