Ending Settler-Colonialism in Palestine
Editor: Mohd Nazari Ismail
Publisher: UM Press
ISBN: 9789674883195
Weight: 0.3kg
Pages: 198
Year: 2024
Price: RM56
The injustice in Palestine is getting worse by the day. In the three months between October 2023 and early January 2024, Israeli occupation forces murdered more than 23,000 Palestinians in Gaza and bombed almost all of Gaza to turn it into a wasteland.
Thousands of Palestinians are languishing in Israeli jails. Their crime is fighting for freedom and self-determination against the decades-old colonization of their country by foreigners, mostly European Jews. In the meantime, the US and some European countries continue to assist Israel in committing the crime of genocide against the Palestinians.
This book explains the fact that Israel is a settler-colonial project, which means that it was never interested in the two-state solution. It pretended to be interested in it during the 1991 Madrid conference and during the 1993 Oslo Accords 1993 to hoodwink the international community into believing it was interested in peace with the Palestinians. The recent actions of the current Israeli government, which consists of fascists and criminals, have exposed further the settler-colonialist nature of the Zionist project in Palestine.
The chapters in this book will create awareness among people of conscience around the world of the need for them to insist their governments highlight the apartheid nature of the Zionist settler-colonialist project. Only a total boycott of Israel will force it to give freedom, justice and equality to Palestinians.
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