​Enhancing Student Learning In Medical Schools

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Enhancing Student Learning In Medical Schools

Author: Joong Hiong Sim et al.

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789674880521

Weight: 200


Year: 2018

Price: RM48

To advance knowledge and learning through education is a fundamental responsibility of any educational institution and so is the core function of an educator. To perform this function, a teacher needs to enhance student learning through different settings and opportunities. This book is about enhancing student learning within the setting of a medical school. Each of the sixteen chapters of the book focuses on one aspect or area related to enhancing student learning.

The book initiates the exploration by taking the readers through ways of optimising cognitive load and creating the context of learning through conducive learning environment. The journey progresses through discussions on learning opportunities comprising of large classroom setting, problem-based learning, bedside teaching, elective posting, research, as well as learning processes involved in question generation, formative assessment, peer assessment, reflection, peer tutoring, mentoring and communication skills training. The journey concludes with a discussion on the innovative teaching and learning practices utilised to enhance student learning.

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