Environmental Wisdom For Planet Earth: The Islamic Heritage
Author: Osman Bakar
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust
ISBN: 9789672795001
Weight: 0.5kg
Pages: 114pp
Year: 2022
Price: RM35
This new (second) edition of the book introduces readers to Islam’s exceptionally rich legacy of ecological and environmental wisdom preserved in its revealed scripture, the Qur’an, and in the pages of its scientific and technological history. Although the author puts special emphasis on the spiritual dimension of this wisdom, he has not failed to discuss other dimensions of this wisdom, particularly the scientific and the economic. Moreover, he argues for a holistic approach to contemporary environmental and ecological problems that would give due recognition to the importance of a spiritual vision of nature. For the sake of the ecological health of the planet earth, the book invites Muslims to share Islam’s environmental and ecological wisdom with the rest of humanity, particularly through dialogue.
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