Ethics and Corporate Governance in Malaysia
Author: Maisarah Mohamed Saat
Publisher: UTM Press
ISBN: 978983520302
Weight: 0.432
Year: 2024
Price: RM55
This book delves into the multifaceted discussions on business ethics and corporate governance within the Malaysian context. Starting with an exploration of fundamental ethical principles and business ethics principles, readers are exposed to topics on self-governance, values and issues in Malaysian business ethics. Extending this foundation, moral reasoning and the various theories that underpin ethical decision-making are examined. Corporate governance, both historically and theoretically, takes centre stage in the second part of the book, offering an analysis of the Malaysian corporate governance framework, and theories governing corporate behaviour. It also traces the evolution of corporate governance in Malaysia, reporting the journey of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance through the years and addressing contemporary challenges, including fraud and corporate crime.
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