Exploring Data Using R

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Exploring Data Using R

Author: Kamarul Imran Musa, Wan Nor Arifin Wan Mansor
Publisher: Penerbit USM
ISBN: 9789674615321
Weight: 0.3 kg
Pages: 122pp
Year: 2021
Price: RM30

Exploring Data Using R introduces readers to R and RStudio to make data exploration fast, fluid and fun. This book is suitable for readers with no previous R programming experience. It aims to get the readers to analyse data as quickly as possible.

Authors Kamarul Imran Musa and Wan Nor Arifin Wan Mansor guide through three main steps in data exploration data management, descriptive statistics and visual exploration. Readers will get a quick understanding and easy-to-use guides, along with the basic tools needed to use R in the Studio IDE for efficient data exploration. Readers will learn how to:

  • Install R and RStudio
  • Manage data-turn datasets into formats convenient for analysis
  • Describe data - for one and two variables and cross-tabulation
  • Explore the data visually create plots using popular R packages, for example, ggplot and lattice

Kamarul Imran Musa is an associate professor at the School of Medical Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia He is an active member of the Malaysia R User Community a Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology and a public health physician. He coordinates the Doctor of Public Health programme at USM and leads the Multivariable Analysis course, Advanced Categorical Data Analysis course and Advanced Numerical Data Analysis course for the programme. His research focuses on the use of epidemiological statistical and predictive modelling in health and medicine

Wan Nor Arifin Wan Mansor is a senior lecturer at Biostatistics and Research Methodology Unit: School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. He teaches medical statistics to postgraduates and undergraduates. His research mainly focuses on measurement tool validation and machine learning, particularly in clinical and public health settings. He is a chronic user of the statistical programming language R for Several years. He actively "converts" people to use R in medical statistics, with a number of converts admitting how glad they are to use R in their research.

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