​Facets of Da’wah: True incidents and lessons

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Facets of Da’wah: True incidents and lessons

Authors: Feroz Khan
Publisher: Islamic Book Trust (IBT)
ISBN:  9789672795148
Weight: kg
Year: 2024
Price: RM33

The very first objective is to make people to understand that Islam can be practiced in all places and in all circumstances. The second objective is to make every one understand that when true message of Islam is conveyed to others in a gentle manner, it would attract one and all. The third objective is to impress upon people that deeds with pure intentions will penetrate through hearts and minds than speech and writings without sincere practice. The fourth objective is to make Muslims understand that, in reality, a number of non-Muslims are following the etiquettes of Islam naturally while a number of Muslims ignore it.

It is with these objectives I have written this book. I pray to Allah for greater understanding of Islam among Muslims. May Allah help us to attain these objectives.—Feroz Khan, Author

Facets of Da’wah is a fascinating creation. Alhamdulillah. I find the struggle and urge for Iqamatuddin have inspired the author to bring out such an amazing creation. For me it is a unique experience to see how appropriately he has contextualized and placed the verses of the Holy Qur’an and sayings of the Prophet (saw). My reading of the episodes has left a tremendous impact on me and given me a new dimension of the task of Da’wah. May the Almighty Allah enhance his talents and resources to make speedier strides to spread the message of Allah.—Mr. M.L.M. Haniffa, Teachers Trainer, Sri Lanka

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