Finding Beauty in The Storm: Comforting Words to Shelter You From Life's Struggles

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Finding Beauty in The Storm: Comforting Words to Shelter You From Life's Struggles

Author: Pahrol Mohamad Juoi
Translator: Ameera Aslam
Publisher: Iman Publication
ISBN: 9786297665306 
Page: 206 m/s
Year: 2024
Price: RM35

There are days when we feel we’re at our lowest that we find it hard to go through the day — especially when the soul is enduring hardship, and the heart drowns so deep in sorrow.

But sometimes, we are afraid of calling out for help to Allah because we feel unworthy of receiving His help. We’ve been so busy with life and that we feel guilty of seeking Him only when we’re in trouble.

How then can the heart find peace, if we put this distance between us and God?

Finding Beauty in the Storm the comfort the heart needs — the confirmation that God is never too far. No matter how broken or numb we feel, God’s mercy is always there for us, waiting to heal the heart, if only we reach out to Him.

Our love for Allah may be flawed and we may often struggle, but let us find comfort in His promise,

“Whoever comes to Me walking, I will come to him running. Whoever meets Me with enough sins to fill the earth, not associating any partners with Me, I will meet him with as much forgiveness.”
(Sahih Muslim)

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