​Freedom Of Press And The Press Council: The Quest For An Ideal Regulatory Formula

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Freedom Of Press And The Press Council: The Quest For An Ideal Regulatory Formula

Authors: Hafidz Hakimi Haron
Publisher:  IIUM Press
ISBN: 9789674913465
Weight: 0.77 kg
Pages: 530
Year: 2024
Price: RM90

This book studies the Importance of balancing public interest and freedom of expression in Malaysia through a Press or a Media Council. Despite Press and Media Council playing a major part in balancing the two extremes mentioned above worldwide, the author found little emphasis given by the current existing literature "on the models of regulatory frameworks of the Press and Media Council. This is, in the author's opinion, surprising since regulatory frameworks would determine the independence and, to a certain extent, the effectiveness of a Press or Media Council as the guardian of the free press, as well as, at the same time, the watchdog of the press ethical conduct.

Thus, this book explores the varieties of available regulatory models adopted by several countries, which can be classified as self-regulatory, statutory, and co-regulatory, In pursuance of this, the author selected several existing press and media councils that employ those respective regulatory models as the benchmark for the study. The regulatory models included (but not limited to) are the United Kingdom's press regulatory framework, the Press Council of India, and the Danish Press Council as part of the research objective of this book. This book also provides insights into the justifications for the need to establish a Press or Media Council in Malaysia. It also discusses in depth the historical development of the Media Council in the country. Whether or not the Press or Media Council is ever constituted in Malaysia, it is hoped that this book will serve as an outstanding reference for all associated stakeholders. This is because by leaming through the experience of other countries, the issues concerning the efficacy, efficiency, transparency, and independence or even regulatory structure of the said council will always be subjected to scrutiny and review from time to time.

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