From Dialogue to Peaceful Coexistence

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From Dialogue to Peaceful Coexistence

Author: Ghazali Basri & Abdul Halim Ismail

Publisher: Institut Darul Ehsan

ISBN : 9789672066347

Year: 2020

Weight: 0.08 kg

Pages: 36pp

Price : RM 10

Islam, as an earthbound religion as expressed in Quranic term (QS21:107) rahmatan lil 'alamin (mercy for all creatures) establishes transparent principle as the foundation for a peaceful society, which is the principle of peaceful coexistence (al-ta'ayush al-silimi). This principle provides the framework for regulating positively the concept of diversity that exists in human society including the diversity of religions, cultures and nations and at the same time to prevent them from causing conflicts and hostilities among people of difference religious adherents.

The present work, From Dialogue to Peaceful Co-existence focusses on the development of inter-religious dialogue culminating in the form of peaceful Co-existence otherwise known as Figh all-Ta'ayush al-silmi in Malaysian perspective. It is our earnest hope that this Malaysian model of Peaceful Co-existence would be of useful reference for the world communities at large.

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