Fundamentals Of Human Resource Staffing : A Strategic Perspective For Asian Organisations
Author: Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman
Publisher: UM Press
ISBN: 9789674883232
Pages: 235pp
Year: 2024
Price: RM62
I n this dynamically changing corporate landscape and market space, the success of an organization depends on how it handles its human resource, as the heart of success and winning lies in human resource. The book on H Rstaffing delves into intricacies, dynamics acquisition of tenant, development of HR and retention, in this vibrant and diverse tapestry of the Asian society. The region is comprised of bustling metropolis of Tokyo to the culturally diverse and rich landscape of Lahore and Karachi, from historically rich landscape of Kuala-Lumpur to the hustling and bustling financial hubs of Beijing and Mumbai, this book navigates through the complexities of hiring the right people, developing teams, and even nurturing the HR with a unique economic, social, and cultural context of Asia. The book provides not only academic but also industrial insight to the reader. With the blend of practical as well as theoretical elucidations, it provides a good number of case studies to grasp real world experience. This is a comprehensive guide for the people who are interested to face the challenges or want to avail the opportunities regarding HR staffing to gain maximum leverage. If you want to discover interesting practices and strategies that drive the success in not only attracting but also empowering the HR in Asian perspective characterized with rich diversity and rapid economic growth, thisbook is for you. This book can be an indispensable resource for business leaders, HR professionals, academicians, and anyone who is interested to unveil the intricacies of selecting, developing, and managing effective teams in the ever evolving and dynamic Asian business landscape
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