Gardens of Delight: A Simple Introduction to Islam

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Gardens of Delight: A Simple Introduction to Islam

Author: Idris Tawfiq

Publisher: A. S Noordeen

ISBN: 9789830652221
Price: RM13
Weight: 0.300kg

In a simple and uncomplicated way this book explains the main features of Islam and what it means to be a Muslim. Using the Five Pillars of Islam as a framework, it relates the beliefs of Islam to everyday life. Muslims believe that Islam has existed since the beginning of Time and that Islam is the natural religion of mankind. In an age when so many distractions clamor for our attention, the book tries to show how Muslims believe that Islam answers man’s basic need for happiness and fulfillment in life. The author draws upon his own experience of situations and places in Cairo to make the narrative come alive. Idris Tawfiq has a degree in English Language & Literature from the University of Manchester and a degree in Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome. For many years he was the Head of Religious Education in different schools in the United Kingdom. More remarkably, before embracing Islam he was a Roman Catholic priest. This rich experience in dealing with people and explaining matters of faith to them enlivens his writing, making it readable and easy to understand. He lives in Cairo, where he has made his home, and he divides his time between Egypt and the United Kingdom as a teacher, speaker, and writer.

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