General Chemistry New Edition
Author: Siti Rubaini Mat, Latipah Mohd Noor, Afif Ariffin
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9789674407995
Weight: 0.4kg
Page: 228 m/s
Year: 2020
Price: RM25
This course book is a written communication provided by the instructors; having a feature of a workbook activity to complement the lecture notes shown during the teaching and learning sessions. Featuring partly a summary of students’ past knowledge and together with that, the fundamentals will be extended for understanding on a wider applications and implementations.
The book consists of physical and inorganic chemistry; matter, states of matter, structure of atom, periodic table, chemical bonds, chemical equilibrium and acids/bases. Special new features of this book are the notes given is complying with the practice exercises that comes afterwards; together with added spaces for students to write down their answers. This book is suitable for Tamhidi, Asasi, Matriculation and pre-university students in Malaysia.
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