​Getting Started With Research: A Guide To Research Methodology

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Getting Started With Research: A Guide To Research Methodology

Editor: Jens Allwood, Elisabeth Ahlsen, Azirah Hashim

Publisher: UM Press

ISBN: 9789674881771

Weight: 250g


Year: 2021

Price: 72.00

This handbook presents and examines differing types of research methodology as well as critical thinking, academic writing, and oral presentation. It also discusses research and publication ethics, multi- and interdisciplinary research, research in relation to society, and the use of ICT in research, among other subjects. Considerable care has been taken to ensure that the content is relevant to building up research capacity in ASEAN. The book is designed to serve as an aid both in training trainers of research students and in training these students themselves.

The book has an orientation toward the social sciences and the humanities but also covers topics which are relevant for the natural sciences, technology and medicine. While technical training of specific methods in natural science, medicine and technology is outside of the scope of the book, many topics which are of general interest for all sciences are included.

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