Good Governance: Adab Oriented In Islam

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Good Governance: Adab Oriented In Islam

Author: Mohd Zaidi Ismail & Mohd Sani Badron

Publisher: IKIM

ISBN: 9789832636434

Year: 2011

Weight: 0.250kg

Pages: 179 pp

Price: RM30

The present work is aimed at providing an alternative interpretation of good governance which is rooted in the religious, intellectual and scientific tradition of Islam. In so doing, it elaborates on the concept and meaning of ethics in Islam as a whole, as well as the virtue of integrity in particular, which altogether serves as the basis and framework for good governance, investigates the meaning of governance by a thorough analysis of the Arabic term tadbir, and explores the various theoretical and practical implications of good governance when concieved of and formulated as Adab- Oriented Tadbir. Good governance, as such, is described as “the intellectual and practical process, within the ambit of a true and just system, to obtain good results.”

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