Government & Political Public Relations: An Introduction

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Government & Political Public Relations: An Introduction

Author: Mohd Hamdan Adnan
Publisher: UiTM Press
ISBN: 9789673054060
Weight: 0.55 kg
Pages: 350pp
Year: 2010
Price: RM50

This book on Government & Political Public Relations - An Introduction focuses on the practice of public relations in government and politics (GPPR) as well its historical development and significance. Factors contributing to its growth and elements that have shaped it are discussed. It takes into account the universal factors that would enhance the practice of public relations in the government and politics. The 21st Century poses several challenges to governments around the world. The onward exponential growth and innovation contributed by the new communication media technologies - especially where the internet has forced governments to pay unprecedented attention to all its publics, especially the organized ones. It used to be that success in governing and politics consisted of a series of turning points. Generally, it consisted of a politician seizing a moment to elevate his cause. Today, if a prominent politician schedules a major event, news venues will analyze the speech from every angle before it has been drafted. Social networking sites will come to a consensus about what he or she should say, and the politician will speak against the backdrop of a plethora of expectations, against which even the most successful speech has the potential to fail. Many will watch the speech on YouTube days later, reading, and contributing comments.

Professor Dato' Mohd Hamdan bin Haji Adnan has taught public relations subjects for more than 30 years. He had served as Head of the School of Mass Communication, ITM (now UiTM). Also, he once heads it's Public Relations & Advertising Studies. Further, he had held various posts at the Institute Public Relations Malaysia (IPRM) and now is its President.

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