Hadith Nomenclature Primers

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Hadith Nomenclature Primers - Paperback

Author: Ibn Hajar, Ibn Mulaqqin, Musa Furber(Translator)

Publisher: Islamosaic

ISBN: 9780985884062

Pages: 70

Weight: 0.13 kg

Year: 2015

Price : RM 34.00

This volume presents two primers on the discipline of hadith nomenclature (mustalah al-hadith) and the authentication of transmitted reports. They are Nukhbat al-fikar (“Chosen Thoughts on the Nomenclature of Hadith Experts”) by Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani (773-835AH); and Al-Tadhkirah (“The Memorandum”) by Ibn al-Mulaqqin (723-804AH). These primers were written to facilitate speedy mastery of the discipline’s core material. Although the primers focus on definitions, they also include methods for addressing problems specific to the topic. Students would often commit a primer to memory while studying it with a living master who would explain its content in detail and demonstrate its application. It is through this interaction between students and instructors that Islamic education transmits both knowledge and skills across generations. In translation, these primers are ideal for English-speaking instructors looking for a primary text covering the subject’s core concepts. The translations will also benefit students looking to review their lessons or to prepare themselves for more advanced studies.

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