Author: Anwar Suhaimi Punithamalar Sundrasegaran Lim Yue Lei Chan Soo Chin
Publisher: UM Press
ISBN: 9789674883393
Pages: 56pp
Year: 2024
Price: RM35
Welcome to the 'Handbook to CCI (Chronic Constrictive Injury) Points,' an essential guide meticulously crafted for Rehabilitation Physicians in Malaysia. This book illustrates an overview of the common CCI (chronic constrictive injury) points. This handbook is designed to facilitate the accurate identification of CCI points using surface landmarks, enabling precise and effective interventions with Perineural Injection Therapy. Structured into seven concise chapters, this handbook is predominantly image-guided, offering clear, high-quality visuals that illustrate anatomical landmarks and procedural techniques. Each chapter provides step-by-step instructions, ensuring that you can confidently locate and treat CCI points.
Empower your practice with this indispensable resource, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and clinical application in the treatment of chronic constrictive injuries. Enhance your clinical skills, ensure accurate diagnoses, and achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes for your patients with the aid of this comprehensive and visually guided manual. Join us in advancing the standards of rehabilitation medicine through precise, effective, and compassionate care.
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