Health & Quality Of Life
Author: Wan Mohamad Nasir bin Wan Othman
Publisher: USIM Press
ISBN: 9789674407070
Page: 88 m/s
Year: 2020
Price: RM25
Oral health and general health are interrelated as both are concerned with well-being of the body. Health is essential from the perspective of maqasid syariah to protect faith or religion, life, lineage, intellectual and property. The book on “Health and Quality of Life” introduces the basic concept of health of the body along with well-being and quality of life of the person with emphasis on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL).
It highlights several approaches in measuring OHRQoL that include the use social indicators, global self-rating and multiple-item questionnaires. The primary intended audience of this book is the undergraduate students in the field of dentistry and health sciences. This book may also be useful to those who are trying to understand the essentials of health that forms the substance of quality of life and oral health-related quality of life.
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